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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Emotional Intelligence

Sterday night..when i returned to home from office..i got a cab in BEL circle to HEBBAL..(my destination).
Its a company cab,,SUMO..a young driver..lots of speed..
when he passed the subway a townbus overtake our vehicle with very close curve and bus makes us to stop,very dangerous overtake..and it stopped in the busstop..when it starts, our driver parked the sumo infront of the bus..and bus couldn't move..everyone in the bus looked us.Our boy get into the bus..scold with the driver for the dangerous overtake..argument isn't stopped for a long time.
bus and sumo stopped centre of the road.(its a highway) lots of trucks and cars are behind us with angered horns..
our boy didnt leave the guts..trying to beat the bus driver..everybody starts shouted..Suddenly bus driver levered the hydraulic doors..(many bangalore townbuses have hydraulic doors) it was closed.and he moved the bus.i and sumo alone in the road.the driver kidnapped by the bus driver.After the bus moves..all the vehicles moved..i got another vehicle to go..SUMO was alone.after one kilometer, i saw the our driver was running towards his vehicle..It was a half an hour story...Finally what the bus driver or our boy got???

a second angry makes him to stop the vehicle and got in to the bus..he could have make argument in his vehicle only..he would have shouted..and take the bus..because we cannot teach a lession for the TOWN BUS drivers..we cannot change the attitude..if he control the Emotions..he could have save his and all the vehicle's half an hour..petrol,diesel,money..etc..etc..

what u people think??

1 comment:

கவிஞர் அறவாழி வா.தி. சுப்பையா said...

hey prabhu,
what do u try to say in this .
i think u maintain ur diary here
but should improve ur std a little bit.
but i really appreciate ur efforts
its really great.
as a friend i wonder abt ur talents
let it grow n reach the height of himalayas.
god bless u my boy